“The DRC[ongo] is currently facing one of the most substantial displacement crises globally”- International Rescue Committe

We are raising funds to provide basic living supplies to our coffee partners in the DR Congo who have been displaced and are living in crisis.

Across the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) violent conflict and an ensuing humanitarian crisis has been growing since the beginning of 2024. Civilians continue to be caught in the middle, including coffee farmers from one of our longtime producer partners, Muungano Coffee Cooperative who provide coffee beans to our partner coffee roasters and who have participated in past On the Ground gender equity trainings.

At present, 1,000 Muungano members (nearly 25% of Muungano members) have had to flee their homes and are currently living with friends/relatives or in internally displaced camps due to incursion from a rebel group called the M23. Many have little to no food, water, cooking supplies, clothing, or materials to construct shelter. Will you partner with us to and fellow trader Atlas Coffee Importers to support Muungano members during this crisis?

“MUUNGANO means “Togetherness” in Swahili. In 2009, 350 founding members came together and founded the Muungano Coffee Cooperative in eastern DR Congo. Located on the slopes near the shores of Lake Kivu, this coop today has over 4,100 farmers investing in coffee and their communities. Muungano members live in different communities that were divided by the civil war. However, these dedicated coffee farmers made the choice to combine their strengths in order to build a great future for their communities. They work hard every day to produce high quality coffee for coffee lovers’ everywhere in the world.” (Muungano Fair Trade Coffee Cooperative)

As one of our partner roasters, Higher Grounds Trading, explains, we care about the farmers who produce the coffee we enjoy every day.

Click here to support Muungano Cooperative Farmers!